Tactics and Templates for LinkedIn Outreach

In today's hyper-connected world, LinkedIn has emerged as a powerful platform for professionals to expand their networks, explore new opportunities, and foster meaningful connections. One tactic that has gained traction among ambitious individuals and businesses alike is cold outreach on LinkedIn. Cold outreach refers to the practice of reaching out to individuals who are not familiar with the sender in order to establish a connection or initiate a conversation.

While it may seem daunting at first, cold outreach on LinkedIn offers a range of benefits that can propel careers and businesses forward. However, it also presents unique challenges that need to be navigated carefully. In this article, we will share a few best practices specifically for building connections, along with actual connection message templates.

Messaging Best Practices

  • A connection message must be less than 300 characters, so keep it short, sweet, and two the point.
  • Stick to a casual, authentic tone that you would use normally to connect with a colleague.
  • Provide value to the propsect - what can you offer them in exchange for responding?
  • Consider "soft selling." Long term relationship building through sharing resources works great on LinkedIn.
  • Follow up multiple times with any prospects who accept your connection but don't write a reply.
  • Always make sure to end your message with a question that aims to continue the conversation.

Message Templates

#1 - Social Proof

Hi {{FirstName}}, hoping to share about my work doing {{xyz}} for other {{industry}} companies, like {{CompanyX}} and {{CompanyY}}, to help them accomplish {{goal}}.

Would you be open to learning more about our approach?

#2 - Pain Point

Thanks for connecting {{FirstName}}, not sure if you're dealing  with {{pain point}} right now, but can I share how we're helping other {{industry}} companies solve that problem?  

#3 Resource Sharing

Hi {{FirstName}}, looks like we have a shared interest in {{X}}. I'd love to share a {{resource/guide/webinar/checklist}} we just put together for {{industry}} companies to help with {{x}}.

Can I send it over?

#4 Personal Story

Hey {{FirstName}}, working as a {{previous position}}, I saw how {{pain point of your customers}}.

Hoping to connect about a new solution that does {{x}}. Can I get your feedback on it?

#5 Hard Sell

Hi {{FirstName}}, is {{x}} a big part of your revenue at {{Company}}?

Would love to talk shop about our product/services, and see if we might take some tasks off your team's hands. Up for a quick intro?

In Conclusion

Cold outreach on LinkedIn has proven to be a double-edged sword, providing both benefits and challenges for those who choose to engage in this strategy. On the positive side, it offers a direct and personalized way to connect with relevant professionals. The ability to tailor messages to specific individuals allows for targeted engagement that can and does lead to fruitful collaborations or partnerships. Additionally, cold outreach on LinkedIn enables individuals to showcase their expertise, build credibility, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their field.

However, it is crucial to prepare for the challenges that come with cold outreach. Reaching out to strangers requires careful planning, research, and the ability to craft compelling and personalized messages. The risk of being perceived as intrusive is high, necessitating a delicate balance between persistence and respect for boundaries. As LinkedIn's user base continues to grow, the competition for attention intensifies, making it more difficult to stand out amidst the noise.

So, do you have the thoughtful planning, personalized messaging, and a genuine intent it takes to succeed?